June, 2009

Carnivora announces breakthrough in marketing to Australia after many years of red-tape resistance.

August 31, 2010

Carnivora Research International (CRI) will donate a portion of every sale to Feed the Children, an international, nonprofit relief organization. Feed the Children delivers food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to individuals, children and families who lack these essentials due to famine, war, poverty or natural disaster.



November 23, 2010

We are pleased to announce that CRI has entered into a nationwide marketing arrangement with Coast-to-CoastAM Radio. The campaign will result in exposure in all 50 states simultaneously beginning mid-January, 2011. Celebrity spokesperson George Noury will be commenting personally on Carnivora as part of more than 28,500 radio spots heard “Coast to Coast” over a four-week period.

July, 2010

Carnivora Research International announces the launching of its “Pet Divison” during the latter half of 2012. The company will feature Carnivora products specially formulated for animals. “Since 2001, Carnivora has been used successfully for animals of all species” states Owner / CEO Richard Ostrow.

August 2011

The company engages physician and inventor Dr. Joe Schneller to conduct US-based clinical study with respect to Carnivora’s multi-faceted effects on the Immune System. Dr. Schneller: “The efficacy that we’re looking for – that we’re going to prove is that just 3 capsules of Carnivora wake up your immune system, and make it dominant!”

August 2011

Carnivora Research International announces unconditional FDA approval in Greece. Owner / CEO Richard Ostrow: “I’m proud to know that certain three-lettered organizations actually support the work we do. This is cause for celebration… This single event will be the legal gateway to all of Europe and its neighbors. This is going to have profound meaning to many people in that region of the world.


Bravo to … the FDA! (did I just say that?)

September 2011

CRI enters into four month national radio campaign with George Noory and Coast-to-Coast AM radio as a result of the successful campaign in January and February of this year. Airing will begin in mid-September voiced by none other than George Noory.

December 2011

CRI inks one-year contract with Coast-to-Coast AM Radio commencing in January, 2012 for 50-state exposure.

February 2012 CRI enters into national / international radio exposure with the Jeff Rense organization. Mr. Rense has been very instrumental in bringing truth to the American radio afficionado in an era where the financial agenda far outweighs the importance of safety and our right to choose what we put in our bodies to stay and get healthy.

March 2012 The company eyes China following CEO Richard Ostrow’s visit to Bejing where he met with Chinese officials.

March 2012 Carnivora Research International is proud to announce its affiliation with Ty Bollinger for representation of Carnivora products. Ty is the best selling author of the book “Cancer: Step Outside the Box”, among several others and has appeared on National Television (Carol Alt) recently. Mr. Bollinger authors “The Cancer Truth Chronicles” bringing the TRUTH to an industry that operates for money. If you want a heavy dose of the Truth, listen to Ty. His own family uses Carnivora on a daily basis.

May 2012 CRI inks contract for national radio exposure on the proverbial Alex Jones show. Those of you who know Alex are subjected to high impact doses of “whistleblowing truth.”

Step right up and get a rare commodity in America today: THE TRUTH.

June 2012 CRI enters into arrangement with the Michael Savage radio show. Mr. Savage continues to fight for and is a long-time champion of all good people everywhere.

June 2012 CRI inks contract for radio exposure with Laura Ingraham. Ingraham is an author of several books, has appeared on the Colbert Report, worked as a speechwriter in the Reagan administration and is best known as a controversial political commentator.

September 2012 CRI enters into National Radio exposure with Dr. Laura Schlesinger, author of several self-help books and nationally syndicated radio host for the past 16 years. She has recently become affiliated with Sirius XM for a multi-year deal.

November 2012 CRI enters into Nationally Syndicated Radio exposure with Dr. Bob Martin. Dr. Martin believes that information and education are the keys to good health, and takes every opportunity to share his knowledge… through radio health talk programs throughout the US & Canada. Dr. Martin holds science certification from the University of South Dakota School of Medicine, as well as board certification in Anti-Aging Medicine through the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A.B.A.A.H.P.). He is double board certified as a Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.) through both the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists and as a Diplomate of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition (D.A.C.B.N.).

Additionally Dr. Martin is a board certified Chiropractic Physician and Physiotherapist. He is certified in Applied Kinesiology and has training in the fields of medicine, acupuncture, herbology, sports medicine and exercise physiology.

The Dr. Bob Martin Show is available nationwide through Cumulus Media with over 400 cities airing his show. “You can be your own doctor most of the time, and I’ll tell you how.” The show focuses on giving listeners health information that will encourage the motivation, confidence and conviction that they need to heal their own bodies of many ailments.

June 2013 Carnivora Research International doubles its volume of business “literally overnight” after announcement by famous author and Pastor Lindsey Williams’ public statement that “Carnivora saved my life. I’m 77 years of age, and I feel like I did when I was in my 50′s and 60′s…”

June 2013 CRI officially announces the launching of its “Pet Division” which is slated to make its debut in 2014. Owner Richard Ostrow: “We’re very excited to finally get an opportunity to help Pets of all species in the manner they so deserve! We’ve been using Carnivora for Pets in many countries, including the US in far too sparing a manner. It’s time to give our Pets equal footing, and that’s exactly what we intend to do.”

June 2013 Swanson Health Products announces the inclusion of Carnivora in its vast line of products through its famous catalog. SHP was rated America’s #1 Rated Catalog / Internet Merchant Based on Customer Satisfaction.

March 2014 Carnivora Research International Sponsors the ASPCA.

March 2014 CRI opens up Distribution operations in Australia.

March 2014 Although a plethora of Clinical Studies were completed in Europe more than 25 years ago, they are prohibited from exposure in the United States as a result of unprecedented control from the usual suspects. US based studies are underway that will not mention the names of “diseases,” but will focus on the mechanisms of action against pathogens and the multitude of effects Carnivora has on “Waking Up” the Immune System in the human body, and that of animals.

March 2014 CRI opens Distribution operations in Singapore.

March 2014 CRI officially Sponsors “The Sacred Fire of Liberty Gala Celebration” in celebration of Emord & Associates 20th Anniversary. This wonderful event is hosted by none other than Jonathan Emord, affectionately known as the most influential attorney vowing to preserve the Constitution under attack in the United States. Mr. Emord has been repeatedly successful in keeping the FDA and other violators of the Constitution at bay for many years.

Keep up the wonderful work Mr. Emord!

Carnivora tm is the 100% absolutely PURE PHYTONUTRIENT EXTRACT and CAPSULE of Dionaea Muscipula, the particular species of the venus flytrap plant. Development of this extract began in Europe in the late 1970′s by late physician Dr. Helmut Keller.

This specific European technology employs a method of manufacturing that yields the 100 percent pure capsule product and pure liquid extract. Our 100% PURE Liquid Extract product is not even diluted with water. It is entirely free of alcohol, glycerin, propylene glycol and all other toxic excipients and fillers.

Nothing is added. Nothing is deleted.

Our Capsule product is also 100% PURE – not even diluted with water. It contains silica and cellulose powder – non-toxic to humans and animals.

Carnivora tm has unparalleled broad spectrum immuno-modulatory / antimicrobial properties.




Facilitates immuno-modulatory action /

homeostasis of T-helper and T-suppressor cells of the immune system

Molecular Recognition. International Symposium Sopron, Hungary, 1988

Structure elucidation of plumbagin-analogues from Dionaea muscipula and their immunomodulating activities in vitro and in vivo.


*B. Kreher-1, A. Neszmelyi-2, K. Polos-3, H. Wagner-1.


1 – Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Munich, Karlstrasse 29, D-8000 Munchen 2 FRG

2 – Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 59 Pusztaszeri ut, H-1025 Budapest, Hungary

3 – Pharmat. Res. Inst., H-1368 Budapest, Hungary


Responds to abnormal cells only


Broad spectrum antimicrobial









The 17 Naturally Occurring Ingredients of Carnivora as described in international medical literature (click on link for more info)



Potent free radical scavenger











Immune Modulation / Stimulation


“Krishnaswamy, M Purushothaman KK. Plumbagin: a study of its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. India J. Exp. Biol. 1980; 18 (8), 876-877, 1980″












http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W7N-4W2W5KJ 1&_user=10&_coverDate=07%2F31%2F2009&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ searchStrId=1455955641&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=1565592abd8cb8_ dae45b26e1ca074ebb&searchtype=a









Anti-oxidant, free radical scavenger, bioflavonoid, protectant, anti-inflammatory








Formic Acid

Natural bactericidal / fungicidal





Bioflavonoid. Identical properties as Quercetin




Gallic Acid

Antioxidant, Immune stimulative







Supports NK (natural killer cell) function. Improves immune responses to foreign entities, crucial for tissue repair)


http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medicineplus/druginfo/natural/ patient-arginine.html









Explusion of harmful ammonia, increased resistance to fatigue and increase of endurance









Aids in function of intestinal / digestive tracts. Assists in metabolism and assimilation of nutrients; Prevention of fat build-up in the liver



Strengthens immune system by producing antibodies, important source of energy for muscle tissue, brain and central nervous system



Facilitates the production of glutathione, which enable white blood cells (lymphocytes such as T cells, B cells and NK cells) to reproduce to make antibodies to destroy foreign substances in the body





Component of production of immune antibodies. Antibodies bind with antigens which are toxins, etc. destroying them and removing them from the body







Found abundantly in hemoglobin. This amino acid is used as a potent free-radical scavenger to normalize systemic functions in the body









Known for their ability to enhance immunity, proteases are considered an important line of defense. Intestinal toxicity are among the most common symptoms of protease deficiency





Contribute to stimulation of the immune system. Contains properties that are highly potent against harmful cellular entities






Phytohormones / Phytosterols

Plant-derived building blocks that your body can use to rapidly create any hormone that your body needs. These substances, also called phytosterols, are vital to a healthy balanced endocrine or hormonal system






The following publications describe the many beneficial effects of the species ‘dionaea muscipula’/ Carnivora and why it is so important in maintaining a healthy immune system:


Bernhard Kreher, Andrs Neszmelyi and Hildebert Wagner Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Munich, Karlstrasse 29, D-8000 Munich 2, F.R.G. a Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 59 Pusztaszeri ut, H-1025 Budapest, Hungary.

Received 30 June 1989. Available online 15 March 2001.


Krishnaswamy, M Purushothaman KK. Plumbagin: a study of its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. India J. Exp. Biol. 1980; 18 (8), 876-877, 1980


Kreher, B. A. Neszmelyi, K. Polos, H. Wagner. Structure educidation of plumbagin analogs from Dionaea muscipula and their in vitro immunological activity on human granulocytes and lymphocytes. Planta Med. 55 (1), 112, 1989


Kreher, B. A. Neszmelyi, K. Polos, H. Wagner. Structure elucidation of plumbagin-analogues from Dionaea muscipula and their immunomodulating activities in vitro and in vivo. Molecular Recognition. Int. Symposium Sopron, Hungary, August, 24-27, 1988.


Rastogi RP, Dhawan BN. Anti- and antiviral activities in Indian medicinal plants. Drug Dev. Res. 19 (1), 1-12 1990


Gujar, G.T. Plumbagin, a naturally occurring naphthoquinone. Its pharmacological and pesticidal activity. Fitoterapia 61 (5), 387-394, 1990


Itolgawa, M., K. Takeya, H. Furukawa. Cardiotonic action of plumbagin on guinea-pig papillary muscle. Planta Med. 57 (4), 317-319, 1991


Santhakumari, G., K. Rathinam, C. Seshadri. Anticoagulant activity of plumbagin. India J. Exp. Biol. 16 (4), 485-487 1978


Wagner, H., B. Kreher, K. Jurcic. In vitro stimulation of human granulocytes and lymphocytes by pico and femtogram quantities of cytostatic agents. Arzenim.-Forsch. 38 (2), 273-275, 1988.

Better Business Bureau Rating for Carnivora Research International is A+

“BBB processed a total of 0 complaints about Carnivora Research International in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period” – BBB (as of 11/10)

I have had amazing results on Carnivora after 22 days of following the protocol. I am not certain IF this protocol has anything or everything to do with my having hardly any pain, but I believe a miracle has occurred. I was in excruciating pain and could barely function on some days. Now into my 3rd week, I feel amazingly well.

Have you heard from others in regard to having little or no pain from doing this protocol, feeling a sense of *wellness* or am I exclusive? Thank You for this product………………and as for me, it is a miracle supplement that has literally changed my life in terms of how I function. I have recommended Carnivora to many people and still do…

Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating:Good Shipping Options Rating:Excellent Delivery Rating:Excellent Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent Customer Service Rating:Excellent


Thank you for this herbal treatment. Since starting Carnivora I have not had any more migraines and my family life is returning to normal. I can definitely say that I have experienced an easing of my symptoms. You have given me hope that all will be well soon. Thank you!

- B.L.

Rating: Excellent

Price Rating: Excellent

Shipping Options Rating: Excellent

Delivery Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

Customer Service Rating: Excellent


“It’s tough to put a price on a product that works as great as Carnivora. This product is changing my life in a way that I really thought could not happen. I am feeling better each day and am thrilled to have found it. The company is easy to deal with and whenever I call with a question there is always a knowledgeable person there to help me. Very pleased with the product and the company.”

- C.B.

“The company offers good information, excellent service and an efficient order & shipping process.”

- P.H.

After really reading all the testimonials of people that had had various conditions that were helped by Carnivora, I decided to try it. I had severe problems with my joints, I have had allergies- oh my goodness allergies both to food and environment for years, ever since I can remember. Now I do not have the joint pain – I really have no problems whatsoever. I’m using Carnivora on a consistent basis and I can’t say that I’ve been any healthier than I am today.

- C.V.

“The service I received was extremely helpful. The shipment was received by me the next day, and made me very happy.”

- J.S.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

“The delivery speed and customer service were great.

I find Carnivora Immune Defense great! Being that I am a Diabetic and have had it for the past 46 years, I only have good things to say about it. I have had over the last 25-30 years bladder infections every other week and nothing has ever worked over the counter or otherwise. I was to the point that I didn’t like leaving the house. The pain was terrible. I’m now in my 2nd week of using Carnivora Immune Defense and am pressure free and no more pain. On my 8th day (Sunday) I quit it for the day and had very little pressure. I’m now in the 2nd week and it’s gone again. This is like a miracle to me. By the way, my blood sugar has gone down to 108 from 115 during the day and 130 at the most! Now that is amazing!”

- M.S.

“I am impressed by your service.”

- J.W.

Rating: Excellent

Price Rating: Excellent

Shipping Options Rating: Excellent

Delivery Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

Customer Service Rating: Excellent


“I love your product and have been taking it for three years now… I intend to stay on it for a long time.”


Rating: Excellent

Price Rating:OK

Shipping Options Rating:Excellent

Delivery Rating:Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent

Customer Service Rating:Excellent

“I can always count on this company to give me the best service that any company can give to a customer. I cannot recommend their products or their service enough. I have been ordering from them for years and will continue as long as they are around. Many thanks for giving my health back!”


“My order was accurate and came quickly and it was easy to place the order. I would buy from Carnivora again.”

- M.H.

“I was one of your original clients 17 years ago! I was diagnosed with… a severe challenge to my immune system… and given 3 months to live. I used Carnivora for five weeks in early 1994, when I met Dr. S who was using Carnivora at the same time – and we are both still here today!

I took Carnivora drops for many years thereafter… I now feel I would like to have the support of Carnivora again and would like to place an order. I look forward to hearing from you, With kind regards.”


“Love the product. I have recommended it to many people. Thank you for supplying such a fabulous product in a very professional way.”

- S.L.

“I have been very pleased with this company, their products, and their customer service.”

- A.B.

“Just wanted to thank you for the products and service you provide and to let you know how impressed I was when Fedex arrived at my door the day after ordering, about 5:30 p.m., with the package (well packaged too!) having travelled across from the east to the west coast! Appreciate it!

- P.E.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- D.O.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- B.M.

“I had an immune condition that caused me great discomfort. My urologist said he had not seen “alternative” programs ever work… After performing an ultrasound, he confirmed that I had a 50% improvement in my condition after being on the Carnivora program for eight weeks. I think you have a real believer in your product!

- Dr. N.S.

Rating: Excellent

Price Rating: Good

Shipping Options Rating:Excellent

Delivery Rating:Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

Customer Service Rating:Excellent


Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- P.H.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- A.B.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- C.C.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- S.E.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- D.Z.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- D.J.

Customer Service Rating: Good

Ease of Purchase Rating: Good

- G.V.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- N.P.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Good

- H.J.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

I appreciated the assistance from customer service to assist me in determining how many capsules and drops were needed. While there was an information sheet providing that information, he answered my questions and helped me complete my order with confidence.

- J.G.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- R.M.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Excellent

- L.S.

Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Ease of Purchase Rating: Good

- J.K.

Dear Visitor,

Over the past decade, extensive research has revealed how important the immune system is to the body’s ability to resist acute and chronic diseases, and to function at its most effective level. We now recognize that even a healthy immune system can be affected both by our mental and emotional states, and by the body’s own chemical mediators, i.e. lithium, noradrenaline and the different zytokines.

Healthy human beings are equipped with 1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds, cell count totaling more than 1012) of immune competent cells, which are the main component of that invisible organ ? the immune system. These cells consist of a cocktail of macrophages, including the white blood cells (T- and B lymphocytes), which are natural killer cells, and plasma cells. Furthermore, these individual cells of the immune system are linked to each other through constant chemical feedback from within the body in response to the harmful intruding organisms.

The immune system also has a counter-mechanism that keeps its killer and scavenger cells from destroying normal tissue and organisms. This counter-mechanism consists of the T-suppressor cells. Suppressor cells have the power to increase the body’s ability to kill incompatible organisms and they work in conjunction with T-helper cells to balance immune system responses. The ratio between the suppressor and helper cells determines how powerful the body’s self-defense system is at any given time. In healthy people, the normal ratio is 1.2 to 0.3.

“The suppressor-helper cell ratio acts as an indicator of the body’s self-defense capacity and can be used to evaluate and monitor the immune system’s health.”

These are the regulating mechanisms that are inherited by all humans as part of our genetic composition. However, these defense mechanisms can become diminished in persons with a history of health disorders and even in healthy persons. In today’s world, the immune system can be diminished by a variety of factors, including exposure to environmental pollutants, excessive stress and poor diet.

There is a solution: Nature has provided us with numerous nutritional protective agents that support and enhance our immune systems. Equally as important, they act as antipathogenic agents against these incompatible organisms. The best nutritional support we know of is Carnivora, a patented phytonutrient extract derived from the juice of the Venus Flytrap plant. Carnivora supplements mimic the body’s own defense agents and support a stronger immune reaction. The supplements, developed by Carnivora Research Inc., International, maintain the carefully balanced immune system mechanisms. This “enhances” the immune response in otherwise healthy persons who are suffering from stress, whether internal or external.

In 1973, more than thirty years ago, I discovered why Carnivora is such an effective dietary supplement for the immune system. As you know, this plant is an expert at trapping its own meals through a sensitive biological response process. When a fly or other small insect touches the delicate hairs of the plant’s “mouth,” it causes the mouth to close quickly, trapping the insect inside the plant. The juicy liquids inside the plant’s mouth are capable of digesting animal and vegetable materials. Interestingly, they do not, however, digest the plant itself. From this observation, I concluded that the Venus Flytrap plant must have an advanced immune system capable of distinguishing between harmful intruder organisms and its own materials.

In fact, the plant only digests the “primitive” undeveloped, undifferentiated cells of its own prey. These “primitive” cells are the same kind of cells that intrude into the human body. These primitive cells will proliferate as a result of chronic stress, exposure to pollutants and poor dietary habits, which the body’s immune system is programmed to attack. Supplementing the diet with the seventeen known inherent components of Carnivora supports the immune system multi-dimensionally by fortifying the body’s own defense mechanisms.

The beauty and intelligence of this remarkable plant cannot be over-emphasized. It is nature’s storehouse of phytonutrients for the immune system. Over the past decade, Carnivora Research has refined the patented procedures for obtaining the highest quality pharmaceutically produced standardized product. Carnivora is manufactured under GMP (good manufacturing practices) regulations and guidelines. As a result, we are able to offer a highly effective nutritional supplement.

*Carnivora can be safely ingested and at low concentrations will produce the immune system supportive response noted by researchers and immunologists around the world. The optimal intake is one of 125 microgram capsule taken three times daily, for preventative use. The safety of Carnivora is substantiated through subacute (90 day) oral toxicity studies, negative mutagenicity and genotoxicity test results. Carnivora contains no pyrogenes, endotoxins or cytotoxins.

Did former president Ronald Reagan use Carnivora?

In 1985, former president Ronald Reagan sent for Carnivora herbal drops. He ingested a once-diluted version of the drops, drinking from a glass several times a day.

Note: this information first appeared in the July 2003 nationally released text “German Cancer Therapies,” page 101. “…Having therapies from around the world at his disposal… U.S. president Ronald Reagan had sent to… Germany for Carnivora herbal extract to take as a preventive… Thereafter, he drank thirty drops of the extract in a glass of purified water or herb tea four times a day. According to records kept by the extract’s manufacturer, the U.S. president continued to buy and swallow these drops…

Is there more than one Carnivora?

Beware of fraudulent Carnivora ? there is only ONE Carnivora. It is protected by trademarks in more than 25 countries.

There are manufacturers and distributors of a “like” product commonly known as “venus flytrap juice.” For years these distributors have attempted to yield a similar product to Carnivora. It has not and will not be imitated. Several of these manufacturers have also attempted to commit fraud by stating to the unsuspecting public that they “carry Carnivora” when in fact the product is not similar ? and more importantly, is not similar in its efficacy. These products are not manufactured with European technologies that allow a 100 percent pure product to act with ultimate potency without the need for toxic fillers. Further, they are “impure,” full of toxic excipients and fillers for profit. You will always find the juice product laced with alcohol, ethanol, glycerin and/or propylene glycol, a highly toxic compound used in antifreeze. It is not an accident that Carnivora has stood the test of almost thirty years of scrutiny from those individuals, companies and regulators seeking to suppress the product.

Where is Carnivora manufactured?

Carnivora is manufactured in the United States with its original European technology. It is a GMP (good manufacturing practices) product. It is distributed around the world to practitioners and the general public. Although it originated in Europe more than thirty years ago, it can be purchased from distributors around the world. A decade ago, corporate operations relocated to the United States from Europe. In essence, we brought Europe to the rest of the world.

Did Dr. Robert C. Atkins, MD, use Carnivora?

Dr. Robert C. Atkins, MD, medical director of the Atkins Center in New York City, employed Carnivora as part of his generalized model for… immune modulation. He was impressed mightily by the results achieved when the remedy was used. “The reason these results are impressive is that they show that (Carnivora) ‘works’ and is suitable to act as an effective partner to other nontoxic (remedies) that also work,” Dr. Atkins stated. Excerpt from “German Cancer Therapies” page 62.

Is Carnivora really absolutely pure? Is the taste palatable?

100 percent pure.

Not even diluted with water.

The efficacy of the product is far more potent and tolerable to humans. We’ve even removed “magnesium stearate” from Carnivora capsules. It is now documented that mag stearate destroys normal cells in humans and animals. Mag stearate is used in the production of thousands of products to assist machinery processing.

The taste is both subtle yet pure. We have not received any complaints concerning the taste of the extract.

Is there any toxicity or side effects associated with Carnivora?

There are NO side effects associated with the use of Carnivora. It is compatible with human and animal blood and WILL NOT HARM A SINGLE NORMAL CELL. However, using too much too soon may result in a “herxheimer” reaction. This occurs when abnormal cells “die-off” too quickly. This is precisely why the programs espouse the GRADUAL increase of Pure Capsules and/or Extract Drops over a period of weeks.

A European study for toxicity among Sprague-Dawley rats indicates a mean LD-50 ranging from 1,500 mg to 1.750 mg/kg of body weight. LD-50 is the calculated dose of a toxic compound that causes death in 50% of a group of experimental animals to which it is administered. In pharmacology, the LD-50 demarcation is used as a measure of the toxicity of drugs.

Carnivora is NOT toxic or mutagenic to normal cells. The seventeen inherent ingredients in Carnivora will respond to abnormal cellular activity ONLY.

There is NO HARM to a single NORMAL CELL.

There have been NO known Adverse Event Reports (AER) associated with Carnivora whatsoever.

Is it Carnivora or Venus Flytrap Juice?

We are proud that the long-term success of Carnivora has yielded several “copy cat” products. Imitation is flattery. However, it is important to know that “cheaper” versions of products are “cheaper” for good reason. We are the only product of our kind that offers 100 percent Pure Capsules and Extract. This is possible as a result of decades of evolution of European technology employed in the manufacturing process. The purity of Carnivora allows for super-high potency and efficacy. Each bottle of Pure Capsules and Extract generally lasts the user 4 to 6 weeks depending on usage and dosage.

You are using this product to assist you in meeting your specific desired results. Would you want to experience your best chance to obtain your goals? Or would you use unproven technology yielding inferior products with toxic fillers ? with no long-term history of success?

Do Practitioners and Distributors use Carnivora?

“Alternative,” holistic and integrative practitioners around the world use Carnivora for their patients. This list includes MD’s, DO’s, Naturopathic Physicians, Naturopaths, licensed Acupuncturists, PhD’s, Chiropractors and Distributors who sell the product to other physicians as well as the public.

Can Carnivora be used as a preventative measure?

Carnivora is sold in the United States and around the world. As a result, we must adhere to the rules and regulations of the FDA and FTC. Therefore we are prohibited from making claims that Carnivora is used for measures of prevention in the United States.

How many bottles does it take to obtain the desired results?

This will vary depending on factors such as overall condition, status of the immune system, extent of the use of toxic substances (individual’s status of toxicity), environmental factors, etc. However, many thousands of persons using the product(s) correctly have reported significant success in several countries over 25+ year period.

How long will it take before I notice a difference in my condition?

Again, it depends on the purpose for use, and whether the condition is characterized as early, intermediate or advanced. Many cases report desired results in hours or days. Many persons using the product report improved results and/or desired results in weeks or months. It is important to use the product(s) properly whatever the use.

Is Carnivora better in its “IV” or “IM” (intra-muscular) form?

Outside of the United States, Carnivora was available in various clinic settings for administration by “IV” or “IM” in the late 1970′s and early 1980′s. It has not been used in this manner for more than a decade and is no longer manufactured for this type of administration. Gone are the days of utilizing this product as it began over 30 years ago. We have found over the years that the evolution of this technology has produced a superior product in the form of Pure Capsules and Pure Liquid Extract used ORALLY. Carnivora in its current forms has allowed thousands of people around the world to realize their goals without “IV” or “IM” administration. It is most important to have Carnivora in the bloodstream continuously. This can be achieved through oral administration.

Must I keep taking Carnivora? How much do I continue to take daily?

If you have achieved your desired result, you may begin maintenance by using Carnivora capsules. The following dosage schedule is applicable; you may continue for either weeks or months. For maintenance, you may continue taking three (3) capsules daily Monday through Saturday (or other six consecutive days per week). For prevention of reoccurrence, the following schedule is generally utilized;

If you are still experiencing the same condition with which you have started, continue at a higher dose, i.e. twenty (20) drops 4 times daily Monday through Saturday. Sunday, take fifteen (15) capsules daily; 5 in the morning hours, 5 in the afternoon and 5 in the early evening. Every 5th week, abstain from taking Carnivora Extract by taking fifteen (15) capsules daily; 5 in the morning hours, 5 in the afternoon and 5 in the early evening. Abstaining from Carnivora Extract every 5 weeks will help preserve its efficacy.

Should I work with my doctor?

This is a personal decision to be made by the user. Some people will consult their integrative physician. Others will simply use the product in accordance with the instructions provided, or under the supervision of their health care practitioner. When taking drugs, we strongly urge the user to take the product under the supervision of their doctor or health care practitioner.

Should I stay on my prescriptions?

Absolutely, if you choose to do so. There are no known contraindications using Carnivora with any prescription drugs. However, those using toxic blood thinner medication should consult their attending physician for monitoring the blood if taking very high doses of Pure Extract drops. Some people will reduce the dosage of their prescriptions UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THEIR PHYSICIAN. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REDUCE DOSAGES WITHOUT YOUR PHYSICIAN’S PRIOR APPROVAL.

Should I take Carnivora Capsules or Carnivora Extract?

As a general rule, Carnivora Capsules are taken for conditions that are characterized as early, as well as for maintenance of a normal condition. Capsules AND Extract are taken concurrently for conditions that are characterized as “intermediate” or “advanced.” Carnivora Capsules may be used as a “primary” compound in higher doses alone or with other herbs and/or medications.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Can Carnivora be used for my pet?

Absolutely. Carnivora has been used for pets of all species for more than 17 years. The dosage associated with pets is approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of that of humans. The dosage is generally dependent on the weight of your pet.

Must I follow a special diet?

While it’s not a necessity to follow any one particular diet, it is certainly advantageous to do so. We recommend that people become bonafide “juicers” while embarking on Carnivora, whether using Capsules and/or Pure Liquid Extract.

We have seen wonderful results when this juicing program is integrated with the use of Carnivora. Mixing one shot of organic wheatgrass, carrots, apples, beets, parsely, kale or celery, ginger, etc. in an eight (8) ounce cup of juice two (2) or more times daily is of substantial benefit to the user. You may “juice” 6 consecutive days per week. It is important that 1 additional shot of organic wheatgrass be ingested just prior to drinking each 8 ounce glass. Use equal portions of each organic wheatgrass, carrots, apples, beets, parsley, kale or celery, ginger, etc. in an 8 ounce cup of juice 2 or more times daily is of substantial benefit to the user. In addition, be sure to drink each fresh made juice within 15 minutes of juicing. It is critical for the preservation of the all-important enzymes present in the juice. While this takes a measure of discipline, the results far outweigh the problems that may continue to arise over time.

(The above recipe was used by a famous juiceman to help rid himself of cancer.)

What is the success rate with Carnivora?

In the professional opinion of doctors using Carnivora from around the globe, the desired results are achieved in a majority of cases that are not considered “advanced.” Many have reported very high rates of success rate PRIOR to the use of toxic therapies for early conditions. It is important to note that advanced conditions fare far better when employing a synergistic program containing several non-toxic compounds, in addition to a juicing regimen similar to the aforementioned. Those conditions that are “early” may utilize Carnivora Capsules only.

Who should NOT take Carnivora?

Women who are nursing and/or in mid- to late-term pregnancy should abstain from taking Carnivora. Persons who take toxic blood-thinner medications must be monitored by their supervising health care practitioner. There is no chemical contraindication with toxic blood thinner meds; however, the possibility that blood may become too thin exists for those taking high doses (20+ per administration) of Pure Extract drops.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Individuals should seek advice concerning supplements and diets from physicians, health-care providers, and certified dieticians.



  • Multi-faceted immune system optimization through systemic immune modulation
  • Get powerful antioxidant support for heart and cell growth function.
  • No toxic or mutagenic effects in humans or animals.
  • Our manufacturing process employs superior European technology.
  • Promotes / Supports resistance to harmful invaders.
  • Take advantage of 17 multi-dimensional nutrients in their natural state working synergistically to support the natural healing process.
  •  Selectively responds to abnormal cells only. No harm to a single normal cell.
  • Carnivora is 100% pure. No alcohol, glycerin, propylene glycol or any other harmful excipients or fillers. We’ve even removed the magnesium stearate from our capsules!



Carnivora is the 100 percent absolutely PURE PHYTONUTRIENT EXTRACT and CAPSULE of Dionaea Muscipula, the particular species of the venus flytrap plant. Development of this extract began in Germany in the late 1970′s by German physician Dr. Helmut Keller.   This specific German technology employs a method of manufacturing that yields the 100 percent pure capsule product and

pure liquid extract. Our 100% PURE Liquid Extract product is not even diluted with water. It is entirely free of alcohol, glycerin, propylene glycol and all other toxic excipients and fillers.   Nothing is added. Nothing is deleted.   Our Capsule product is also 100% PURE – not even diluted with water. It contains silica and cellulose powder – non-toxic to humans and animals.   There is NO other.   We are the SOLE manufacturer of Carnivora around the world.   The 17 multi-faceted immune-supporting compounds as described in international medical literature occur naturally in the plant:


1. Droserone Free radical scavenger

2. Hydroplumbagin Immune Modulation / Stimulation

3. Quercetin Anti-oxidant, free radical scavenger, protectant

4. Formic Acid Natural bactericidal

5. Myricetin Bioflavonoid. Identical properties as Quercetin

6. Gallic Acid Antioxidant, Immune stimulative

7. Arginine Supports NK function. Improves immune responses to foreign entities, crucial for tissue repair

8. Asparagine Explusion of harmful ammonia, increased resistance to fatigue and increase of endurance

9. Threonine Aids in function of intestinal / digestive tracts. Assists in metabolism and assimilation of nutrients; Prevention of fat build-up in the liver

10. Glutamine Helps maintain white blood cell population and T-cell production, supports intestinal health. Nature’s brain food to improve mental capacities, decrease fatigue, controls craving for sugar

11. Alanine Strengthens immune system by producing antibodies, important source of energy for muscle tissue, brain and central nervous system

12. Cysteine Facilitates the production of glutathione, which enable white blood cells (lymphocytes such as T cells, B cells and NK cells) to reproduce to make antibodies to destroy foreign substances in the body

13. Serine Component of production of immune antibodies. Antibodies bind with antigens which are toxins, etc. destroying them and removing them from the body

14. Histidine Found abundantly in hemoglobin. This amino acid is used as a potent free-radical scavenger to normalize systemic functions in the body

15. Proteases Known for their ability to enhance immunity, proteases are considered an important line of defense and intestinal toxicity are among the most common symptoms of protease deficiency

16. Lipopolysaccharides Contribute to stimulation of the immune system. Contains properties that are highly potent against harmful cellular entities

17. Phytohormones Plant-derived building blocks that your body can use to rapidly create any hormone that your body needs. These substances, also called phytosterols, are vital to a healthy balanced endocrine or hormonal system.     The major problem for people in westernized cultures is that we do not get enough of these essential nutrients from our current food intake and it is becoming more difficult, not to mention all the factors that interfere with this process